
UN-COVERED #7: How Mark Got Into Modelling

Mark Perini aka model JacksonSo . . . Mark is pretty much the coolest guy ever. You can tell by the past UN-COVERED episodes: Episode #1Episode #2Episode #3Episode #4Episode #5Episode #6 Or even just by reading his "how I got into Modelling" story because it's AWESOME. *** The story of how I got started goes like this...I was working [...]

UN-COVERED #7: How Mark Got Into Modelling2018-02-19T13:58:11+00:00

UN-COVERED #6: Mark Perini Reviews Looking for Alaska

 As a result of the last episode of UN-COVERED and your votes, the topic chosen for Mark (aka-model Jackson) to blog about is Mark reviewing a YA favorite. He chose Looking For Alaska, by John Green and I decided to include his review this week since it’s Boarding School week and this is, in fact, [...]

UN-COVERED #6: Mark Perini Reviews Looking for Alaska2018-02-19T13:58:13+00:00

UN-COVERED#5: Mark at Fashion Week in Italy + BIG Contest!

This contest is now closed--thanks to all who entered!Mark Perini, Tempest Series Cover ModelYes, there's a contest in this post so read through it cause it's pretty epic!! Back by popular demand is another episode of Un-covered from Tempest (and now Vortex!) own Model Jackson, Mark Perini! Mark has been busy this summer, leaving his [...]

UN-COVERED#5: Mark at Fashion Week in Italy + BIG Contest!2018-02-19T13:58:15+00:00